Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Learning 2.0 - the beginning

Its pretty cool that 75% of the staff at our library have taken up the challenge and signed up for Learning 2.0!

Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 isn't completely new to me but there are definite gaps in my knowledge so this is a great, easy way to fill in the gaps. I am really enjoying the flexibility of the program and being able to fit it in easily into my day.

This is not my first blog. We have set up a blog for our staff as a way for our Info Services team to let other staff know of different reference tools, websites, and other bits of info that we come across.

Really looking forward to RSS feeds and Podcasts.


The Empty Nest said...

Hi Michelle,
I found your blog!

Anonymous said...

It's all great knowledge - I agree

catwoman said...

as I have too!!! how is the learning progressing now? if you want a look at my blog, its random rants